Security Incident Management: Is It Your Best Defense Against IT Threats?

You know the threats and risks associated with running your business, especially if your transactions are online. Technology evolves and so do the methods hackers use to infiltrate systems and steal your data. Because of this, you need to be up-to-date with your security measures.

One way to do so is through security incident management and planning, which involves identifying, managing, recording, analyzing, and monitoring of security threats and incidents that could compromise your corporate data.

Security Incident Management

Security incident management is your company’s line of defense against cybersecurity attack. If you’re using management software to handle your day-to-day tasks, a large volume of confidential company files are in jeopardy of a data breach. For example, you may be using a new tool, and integrating it in ServiceNow requires further security measures. Another example would be switching to cloud infrastructure, which may expose you to external threats.

A security incident can be anything. It can range from an active threat that hasn’t done any damage yet to a successful security breach in the past. The function of a security incident response team is to prepare the company for when this happens and what it has to do to prevent this from happening again in the future.

Security Incident Process and Planning

employees working and discussing

According to Computer Weekly, organizations should adopt the following security incident management processes to combat any security threat better:

  • Have clear, defined roles and responsibilities for the security incident response team
  • Have training programs for all the skills needed under the response team
  • Have evidence collection procedures for past and future security incidents
  • Have functional techniques for real-time observation, investigation, analysis, and reporting
  • Update vulnerability and risk repository to ensure proactive control over sensitive data

Security incident management teams should know the latest and most relevant updates concerned with cybersecurity in the industry. Cyberspace is an ever-changing landscape, so business owners, analysts, and researchers all have to keep tabs on the industry to ensure they have the latest tools in security. It also helps to be informed about the kind of threats malicious hackers are doing.

g from one place. Is a cybercrime organization specifically targeting your company? Keeping tabs on cybersecurity attacks helps you determine this the next time it happens.

Aside from fortifying your security measures, you should have all of your files backed up in a reliable third-party source. Limit the number of employees with access to your admin vendor dash, as well as the third-party back-up site.

Preventive measures fortify your defenses against cybersecurity attacks, protecting your business and limiting your liabilities to stakeholders and customers. Minimize data breaches and data loss by applying smart techniques in data security.