An In-Depth Look Behind the Strength of Honeycomb Structures

Bees are one of the most hard-working as well as well-organized colonies in the world of insects. But did you know that its structure is also one of the most robust shapes ever made? Honeycomb structures have found their way in various fields.

It includes mechanical engineering and architecture because of its unique features and capabilities. Recently, it has also made its way into the field of biomedicine. Even more, it has even led to new insights into the study of honeycomb structures.

The role of the honeycomb structure in biomedicine

Until recently, the honeycomb structure is a popular choice for void former. It is because of its incredible three-dimensional shape. Now, even experts in biomedicine use it in their field, too. Scientist recently discovered its potential in resolving a few challenges in regenerative medicine.

Experts create cytocompatible hydrogels to solve a few significant issues in regenerative medicine. The materials can create 3D cell encapsulation. It has a unique characteristic that copies the structure of the extracellular matrix.

The cytocompatible hydrogels can even help create large and fully- functional organs, too. The production of multi-scaled honeycomb structures can change the way biological medicine works. It can even aid in understanding tissue engineering, too. But what makes this simple shape amazing?

The strength behind the shape

A recent study says that sandwich panels that use the same structure are popular in lightweight structures. The secret behind it lies with how it is able to combine both effectiveness and high performance.

The two surface sheets parallel to each other provides flexural stiffness, while the structure supports the entire panel against the stress placed on it. Because of it, it can be a substitute over other core materials, such as aluminum as well as composites.

Understanding the open cell structure concept


Open cell structure has great potential in various applications. The cell sizes that comprise the honeycomb structure are also adjustable. Even more, it is possible to get filled with other materials, too. Doing so can provide an open cell structure with more functions.

Once the structure no longer has gaps, it can act as sound insulation in a room. You can also fill the open cell structure with phase changing material (PCM). Experts can combine it with polyurethane to become effective heat storage management.

That’s because the panels filled with PCM could absorb the heat inside the cabin and release it. The use of the open cell structure may benefit the construction industry. It can even be a perfect material inside building walls.

The characteristics of the honeycomb structure can be a solution for architectural projects. Because of its unique features, its application may even extend in food storage. It can also be useful in transportation as well as aviation.

Nature continues to amaze people every day. That is why experts sometimes draw their inspiration from the environment around them. So, do not underestimate cardboard materials when you see one. The strength of the material lies within its shape and not its components.