Green Hobbies That Make the World a Little Better

Remember those days when you didn’t have any time left after work, school and attending to other responsibilities? Now, on account of the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re probably one of the millions stuck at home waiting for the next big thing on Netflix or Tiktok. Well, those activities can be fun, sure. But wouldn’t it be better to pass the time productively while helping the planet heal? That’s more like it.

Here are a few things you can do that make the world a little better.


This is the perfect green hobby for people stuck at home. Growing your own fruits and vegetables can help the planet by reducing your household carbon footprint. You don’t have to only rely on your own produce for food, but at least you know that when those grocery shelves go empty, you’ll still have something to eat.

Growing flowers will also help the bees thrive. If you’re into that, the best flowers to go with are lavender, zinnias and crocuses, among others.

Bee Keeping

The decline of bee populations around the world has been a thing for a while now. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the systemic loss of bees poses a serious threat to the world’s food security because of their critical ties with plants, calling bees humankind’s key allies in the fight against hunger.

You can do your part by taking care of these allies in your own backyard. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not as stingy as it seems. You’ll only need a hive, a smoker, a bee suit, a bee escape and of course, some bees. There are several YouTube videos that can show you how it’s done.

recycling logo


While cleanups aren’t among the most appealing of activities, they can be among the most environmentally helpful ways to spend your time. During more relaxed times, you can clean up nearby rivers, woods and other natural environments. Right now, you should be able to clean your property’s immediate surroundings. It may not seem much, but every plastic wrapper you pick up can help, as you prevent it from ending up in the ocean.

Plus, showcasing a sincere attitude to help the environment in this way can encourage others in your neighbourhood to do the same. Take it a step further and vlog about your campaign; maybe others are looking for green hobbies, too.

Green Artwork

From upcycled furniture to greeting cards made from recycled materials, there is no shortage of possibilities when it comes to green artwork. You can even make a profit from your masterpieces.

Canadian startup, Cinderella Garbage, for instance, sells jewellery made from trash. Their products can cost upwards of $100! Aside from being fashionable, their wares promote environmental awareness too.

Here’s Good Housekeeping with an article showing how old furniture can be transformed into avant-garde pieces of treasure. With just some simple repairs and a creative mind, you can do it too.

Green Attitude

No one knows for certain when the quarantines and lockdowns globally will be lifted. But, whether your country has imposed a period of quarantine or not, you can do your part to make sure the world is a more livable place than before the crisis hit. Conserve what you can. Recycle everything. Clean up. Start today.