How to Take Better Care of Your Lawn

If you are a homeowner with a lawn, then you probably have issues with keeping the grass healthy and green. Nobody wants to live in the only home on the block with a dying garden. We search online for answers and even ask lawn care professionals, who all seem to have different answers on what to do.

If you know how to take care of lawns, then you are probably searching for lawn care startup costs. But essential preventive maintenance can go a long way in keeping the lawn healthy and free of weeds, even if there are visible bald patches here and there.

1. Keep the weeds at bay

Simple measures like regular mowing, proper irrigation, and regular feeding all contribute to better lawn health. They also keep the weeds at bay. But if your lawn has a particularly hard weed infestation, you will need to do something more drastic to uproot them.

For starters, use pre-emergent herbicide on your lawn to kill the weeds before they even have a chance of sprouting. Use the herbicide before the days get warmer and the weather becomes more conducive for growth.

But even if you have done everything within your power to keep the lawn free of weeds, you can still get infestations from your neighbors by way of flying spores. Always be vigilant and check your lawn for signs of weed growth.

Weeds also have a way of growing on bald spots of your lawn. Cover it with sod or seed to cover the soil.

2. Maintain your lawn care equipment

landscaping with grass and flowerbed

Your lawn care equipment requires regular maintenance if you want them to work at their best. Machines will eventually break down, which is why you need to learn how to perform basic repairs and maintenance if you do not want to keep on calling a maintenance specialist. An excellent place to start is to read the user manuals.

3. Dethatching

A layer of dead grass called thatch will form as the years go by. A thin layer is desirable for the soil as it protects the root system and the ecosystem on the lawn. But once the thatch layer becomes too thick or tall, it becomes a problem. Your lawn can start to become dry, and weeds will move in.

Thatch often forms in lawns with compacted soil or elevated soil acidity. Regular use of pesticides and herbicides also contribute to thatch formation. If you want to avoid thatch and keep the soil healthy, you need to perform core aeration. Core aeration involves removing small cores of soil from the lawn, ensuring that air reaches the lower layers.

4. Reseed once in a while

If you feel like your lawn is growing thinner, help it along by reseeding thinning or bald areas. The alternative is starting a new lawn from scratch, and that is incredibly expensive.

Check what kind of grass you have. Annual varieties can be easily removed with a sod cutter. But perennial types are more challenging to kill. You will have to solarize the area or even use herbicide.

Lawn care need not be difficult. These four guidelines will help you take better care of your lawn on with minimal outside help. And who knows, with enough knowledge, you can even start a lawn care business of your own.