How Do You Handle Workplace Harassment?

  • Workplace harassment is unfortunate and can take various forms, such as physical assaults and threats.
  • To handle workplace harassment effectively, report it to a supervisor or human resource department and keep a record of all incidents.
  • Seek support from trusted colleagues, family members, or friends, and consider consulting an attorney.
  • Employers should establish a clear policy to prevent workplace harassment, investigate reports, and set a good example.
  • Speak up if you witness harassment, be mindful of your behavior, and take the necessary steps to protect yourself in the workplace.

Workplace harassment has been a long-standing issue for many organizations and businesses. It is a severe problem that can hurt employees’ mental health and affect their productivity at work. Therefore, it is essential to know how to handle workplace harassment effectively. In this blog post, we will discuss what constitutes workplace harassment and how to take it.

What Is Workplace Harassment?

In the workplace, harassment can take various forms. It can be anything from physical assaults and threats to demeaning comments and derogatory gestures. The harassment can come from anyone in the workplace, including managers, supervisors, co-workers, and customers.

In addition, sexual harassment is also a common form of workplace harassment, including behaviors such as unwanted advances, requests for sexual favors, and sexual assault. It is essential to understand that harassment can create a hostile work environment where the targeted employee feels uncomfortable, stressed, and unsafe.

What Can You Do To Handle Workplace Harassment?

Handling workplace harassment is not easy, but there are several steps that you can take to protect yourself and your colleagues. Here are some things that you can do:

Report The Harassment

a female hr manager listening to an employee

The first thing you should do when you experience harassment is to report it to your supervisor or human resources department. Most companies have policies in place to handle harassment and protect employees. Reporting the harassment is essential, as it creates a record of the incident and sends a message that you will not tolerate inappropriate behavior.

Keep A Record

It is essential to keep a record of all incidents of harassment, including dates, times, and details of what happened. This record can support your claim and help you prove the harassment if you need to take legal action later.

Seek Support

Dealing with harassment can be stressful and daunting. Therefore, it is essential to seek support from trusted colleagues, family members, or friends. Talking to someone who understands your feelings can help you process your emotions and find the strength to move forward.

Consult An Attorney

If you feel your employer is not handling the harassment appropriately or you have suffered damages, it may be time to consult an attorney. An experienced attorney specializing in employment law can advise you on your legal options and help you make informed decisions.

Seek Mediation Services

If the harassment persists, you may seek mediation services from an impartial third party. At this point, your employer should offer mediation services to help resolve the conflict. A qualified employment law mediator can provide a fair environment and help both parties reach a mutually satisfactory solution.

What Should Employers Do To Prevent Workplace Harassment?

Employers are responsible for creating a safe and healthy work environment. To prevent workplace harassment, employers should:

Establish A Clear Policy

An anti-harassment policy should explain what harassment is, what employees should do when they experience it, and how the company handles harassment. The policy should be communicated to all employees with regular training updates. For example, employers should ensure employees know their rights to report harassment and the procedures for filing a complaint.

Investigate Reports

 female leading a meeting with people

When a report of harassment is made, employers should investigate and take appropriate action. They should communicate the outcome of the investigation with the employee who reported the incident and ensure that they are safe from retaliation.

You can also protect yourself in the workplace and create a safe environment for everyone. Speak up if you witness harassment, be mindful of your behavior, and use common sense when dealing with difficult people or situations.

Set an Example

Leaders play a crucial role in setting the tone of the workplace. They should model behavior that is respectful and professional. This will create an atmosphere where employees feel comfortable speaking up when they experience or witness harassment, knowing their complaints will be taken seriously.

Final Thoughts

Workplace harassment is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. It is crucial to understand what constitutes workplace harassment and how to handle it effectively. As an employee, you have the right to report the harassment and seek support.

Employers must create a safe and healthy work environment and prevent harassment through clear policies and appropriate action when reports are made. By taking the necessary steps, you can protect yourself, your colleagues, and your workplace from harassment and create a positive work environment.