Where to Get Help: What to Do in a Truck Accident

Truck accidents can be severe and life-altering events. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were more than three thousand fatalities in truck accidents in 2015. That’s over eight percent of all traffic fatalities for the year. The same report states that over hundred thousand people were injured in truck accidents in 2015. These numbers underscore how important it is to know what to do if you are involved in a truck accident.

The most important thing to remember in a truck accident is to stay calm and safe. If your vehicle is still drivable, move it off the road. If you can’t drive the car, turn on your hazard lights and stay in the vehicle until help arrives. Don’t try to exit the car if it’s hanging over a cliff or is otherwise too dangerous; wait for help to arrive.

If you get injured, seek medical attention. Get checked out by a doctor, even if you don’t feel injured. Many injuries from truck accidents aren’t immediately apparent, such as internal injuries and brain injuries.

Following that, you might have to get help. The company, its driver, and insurance companies might try to avoid responsibility or minimize the amount they have to pay. Here are a few people you might need to get the compensation you deserve.


Witnesses can play a critical role in a truck accident case. They can provide evidence of what happened leading up to the accident, and they can help substantiate the damages that you suffered. Insurance companies often try to minimize the amount they have to pay by arguing that the injuries are not as severe as claimed. Having witnesses can help refute those arguments.

If you are involved in a truck accident, ensure you get any witnesses’ contact information. You may need their testimony later on, to help prove your case.

If you find obtaining witness information at the accident scene challenging, you can visit the patrol office or court clerk to get a copy of the police report. The report might contain the witnesses’ names and contact information.

Police On Duty

Police in the truck accident scene

Police reports are not only helpful for getting witnesses, but it also creates an official record of the accident. The insurance company will likely obtain a copy of the report and use it to help determine who was at fault and how much they should pay.

The police report will also contain information about any traffic citations given out. This could be important if the other driver is cited for a violation, such as speeding, which contributed to the accident.

Your Own Insurance Company

You should also notify your insurance company of the accident. You might think that because you weren’t at fault, you don’t need to tell your insurer. However, most insurance policies require policyholders to notify the company of any accidents, regardless of who is at fault. Failing to do so could result in your policy being voided.

Telling your insurer about the accident also starts the claims process. Your insurance company will assign an adjuster to your case and begin working on getting you compensated for your damages.

Keep in mind that your own insurance company is not on your side. The company’s goal is to minimize the amount they have to pay, so they might try to lowball you or deny your claim altogether. Please don’t accept the first offer they give you, and don’t sign anything without talking to a lawyer first.

An Experienced Truck Accident Attorney

Perhaps the most important person you’ll need after a truck accident is an experienced attorney. A lawyer can help you navigate the complex legal system and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.

Your attorney will also help you deal with the insurance companies. The insurance adjuster might try to take advantage of you by offering a low settlement or asking you to sign away your rights. An experienced truck accident attorney will know how to handle these tactics and fight for the best possible outcome for your case.

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced attorney who can help you get the compensation you deserve. When finding an attorney, choose one who has experience handling truck accident cases and is familiar with the unique laws that apply to these accidents.

You might be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and more. Don’t let the insurance companies take advantage of you – get an experienced lawyer today.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, you should do a few things to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. First, get the contact information of any witnesses at the scene. Second, obtain a copy of the police report. Third, notify your insurance company of the accident. And finally, contact an experienced truck accident attorney who can help you navigate the legal system and get the best possible outcome for your case.