Building Your Own Winter Wonderland

Christmas lights hanging in a treeIf you think that you cannot enjoy your garden anymore just because fall is nearing, then you are mistaken. Even in winter, there are ways to transform your garden so that you can enjoy it all year round. If you live somewhere relatively moderate, then you have nothing to worry about. But you can even do this in areas that get a lot of snow by turning your summer garden into a winter wonderland. Here are some ways to go about it:

Add evergreens to your garden.

It will be hard to achieve the winter wonderland look if all the trees that you have are denuded and standing bare. Add evergreens to your garden by bringing in conifers such as pine and fir trees. You can call a landscaping or lawn care service to help you plant these earlier in the season when it is still warm outside. Alternatively, you can also plant them in pots and bring them in during winter. These will look beautiful when it snows and make your home feel like a cabin in the woods.

Take part in the festivities.

If you have a garden, don’t be shy about decking it out in Christmas festivities. Add lighting to your trees, and if it snows, build a snowman. A garden decorated with red and gold will look warm and inviting in the middle of winter.

Turn it into a rock garden.

If you don’t want to deal with planting and replanting every season, you can add a rock garden or temporarily turn your garden into a rock garden in winter. Making it into a Japanese-style garden with sand and gravel will fit in with the overall color scheme of winter. It can make you feel at peace when you look out the window.

Make it attractive to wildlife.

Food is scarce in winter, so putting a well-placed bird feeder is sure to attract those birds that are nonmigratory. You will find that common species of songbirds, such as robins, cardinals, and sparrows, are still out and about. Hosting them in your garden will make it look truly magical.

Build a fire in the garden.

People sitting around a bright bonfire

You can even make your garden usable by adding a fire pit to the garden. A New Year or Christmas party around a bonfire sounds ideal. Collecting pinewood from your garden will make it smell like Christmas. It will also make a beautiful, crackling fire.

Choose plants that flower in winter.

You can still add a pop of color naturally to your winter garden by planting plants that flower in the cold. Plants such as heather and dogwood are winter classics. Intermingled with the evergreens in your garden, they will make it look that it’s spring outside already.

There’s a lot more you can do with a winter garden if you are creative. The only thing to keep in mind is that if you spend long hours outside gardening, make sure that you have proper winter clothes on.